• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    Use list syntax for key definitions. · 2a92dc25
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    (winner-mode, winner-save-unconditionally)
    (winner-hook-installed-p): Save window configuration after
    every command if window-configuration-change-hook is not present.
    (winner-save-new-configurations, winner-insert-if-new):
    Compare a new window configuration
    with the previous configuration before saving it.
    (winner-insert-if-new, winner-ring)
    (winner-configuration, winner-set): Save buffer list together
    with the window configurations, so that windows that can no
    longer be correctly restored can instead be deleted.
    (winner-undo): Compare restored configuration
    with other configurations that have been reviewed and skip
    this one if it looks similar.
    (winner-insert-if-new, winner-save-new-configurations)
    (winner-save-unconditionally): Just save the final
    configuration if the same command (changing the window
    configuration) is applied several times in a row.
    (winner-switch): Removed the command
    `winner-switch' (and the variables connected to it), since
    because of the change above, any "switching package" may now
    be used without disturbing winner-mode too much.
    (winner-change-fun): Removed the pushnew
    command, so that `cl' will not have to be loaded.
    (winner-set-conf): Introduced "wrapper" around
    `set-window-configuration', so that `winner-undo' may be
    called from the minibuffer.
winner.el 10.3 KB