• John Wiegley's avatar
    2004-05-08 John Wiegley <johnw@newartisans.com> · 4c685fb8
    John Wiegley authored
    	* textmodes/flyspell.el (flyspell-highlight-incorrect-region):
    	Ignore the read-only property when flyspell highlighting is on.
    	Not ignoring it leads to a series of confusing errors.
    	(flyspell-highlight-duplicate-region): Ignore read-only, as above,
    	but also make sure to call flyspell-incorrect-hook.
    	(flyspell-maybe-correct-transposition): Perform transposition test
    	by bit twiddling a string, rather than using a temp buffer.
    	(flyspell-maybe-correct-doubling): Use a string rather than a temp
    	buffer.  This is also the original version of the code, which
    	could not be checked in before due to a previous lack of
    	assignment papers.  This version has seen heavy usage on my system
    	for several years now.
flyspell.el 83.2 KB