• Michael Albinus's avatar
    * autorevert.el (top): Require 'cl in order to pacify byte compiler. · 65adfa20
    Michael Albinus authored
    (auto-revert-notify-rm-watch): Ignore errors.
    (auto-revert-notify-add-watch): Ignore errors.  Use '(modify) for
    inotify, and '(size last-write-time) for w32notify.  Set
    buffer-local `auto-revert-use-notify' to nil when adding a file
    watch fails - this is a fallback to the file modification check.
    (auto-revert-notify-event-p, auto-revert-notify-event-descriptor)
    (auto-revert-notify-event-file-name): New defuns.
    (auto-revert-notify-handler): Use them.  Implement first
    plausibility checks.
    (auto-revert-handler): Handle also `auto-revert-tail-mode'.
ChangeLog 850 KB