• Gerd Moellmann's avatar
    (recentf): Added version tag to the defgroup of · 70d9b8fd
    Gerd Moellmann authored
    (recentf-cleanup): Changed to remove excluded file
    (recentf-edit-list-action): `recentf-edit-list' checkbox widget
    action to select/unselect a file.
    (recentf-edit-list): Code cleanup and improvement.
    (recentf-open-more-files-action): `recentf-open-more-files' button
    widget action to open a file.
    (recentf-open-more-files): No more use standard completion but
    (recentf-more-collection): Deleted.
    (recentf-more-history): Deleted.
    (recentf-setup-more-completion): Deleted.
    (recentf-mode): No more needs that Emacs is running
    under a window-system.
    (recentf-edit-list): New command to edit the recent
    list which allow the user to remove files.
    (recentf-edit-selected-items): New global variable, used by
    `recentf-edit-list' to hold the list of files to be removed from
    the recent list.
    (recentf-make-menu-items): Updated to display a "Edit list..."
    menu item.  Minor code cleanup.
    (recentf-open-more-files): New command to open files
    that are not displayed in the menu.
    (recentf-more-collection): New global variable holding the set of
    permissible completions used by `recentf-open-more-files'.
    (recentf-more-history): New global variable holding the history list
    used by `recentf-open-more-files' completion.
    (recentf-setup-more-completion): New function to setup completion for
    (recentf-make-menu-items): Updated to display a "More..." menu item.
    * recentf.el (recentf-menu-action): Doc fixed.
    (recentf-menu-filter): Doc updated.
    (recentf-update-menu-hook): Allow menu filters to force menu update.
    (recentf-make-menu-items): New menu filter handling.
    (recentf-make-menu-item): New helper function.
    (recentf-menu-elements): New menu handling function.
    (recentf-sort-ascending): Updated to new menu filter handling.
    (recentf-sort-descending): Updated to new menu filter handling.
    (recentf-sort-basenames-ascending): New menu filter function.
    (recentf-sort-basenames-descending): New menu filter function.
    (recentf-show-basenames): New menu filter function.
    (recentf-show-basenames-ascending): New menu filter function.
    (recentf-show-basenames-descending): New menu filter function.
recentf.el 16.5 KB