• Karl Fogel's avatar
    * bookmark.el: Display the bookmark list header similarly to the · 7a78e19f
    Karl Fogel authored
    buffer list header (see `list-buffers'), where the default is now
    an immovable/immutable header line.  Patch by Matthias Meulien
    <orontee {_AT_} gmail.com> with a few tweaks by me.
    (bookmark-bmenu-use-header-line): New variable.
    (bookmark-bmenu-inline-header-height): New name for
    `bookmark-bmenu-header-height', to avoid confusion with the code
    for the new immovable header.  All references changed.
    (bookmark-bmenu-set-header): New function.
    (bookmark-bmenu-list, bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames):
    Conditionalize header construction accordingly.
    (bookmark-bmenu-ensure-position): Conditionalize the skipping of
    the inline header height.
    (bookmark-bmenu-show-filenames, bookmark-bmenu-hide-filenames):
    Conditionalize the skipping of the inline header height.
bookmark.el 83.6 KB