• Vibhav Pant's avatar
    Add new 'switch' byte-code. · 88549ec3
    Vibhav Pant authored
    'switch' takes two arguments from the stack: the variable to test, and
    a jump table (implemented as a hash-table with the appropriate :test
    function). By looking up the value of the variable in the hash table,
    the interpreter can jump to the label pointed to by the value, if any.
    This implementation can only be used for `cond' forms of the type
    `(cond ((test x 'foo) 'bar) ...)`, such that the function `test` and
    variable `x` is same for all clauses.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el:
      * Add (byte-compile-cond-valid-obj2-p), (byte-compile-cond-vars),
        (byte-compile-cond-jump-table-info), (byte-compile-jump-table-add-tag),
        (byte-compile-cond-jump-table), byte-compile-jump-tables.
      * Add defcustom `byte-compile-cond-use-jump-table'.
      * (byte-compile-cond): Use them.
      * (byte-compile-lapcode): Patch tags present in jump tables, if any.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp//byte-opt.el: (byte-optimize-lapcode): Add checks to
      some peephole optimizations to prevent them from messing up any code
      involving `byte-switch`.
    * src/bytecode.c: (exec_byte_code): Add bytecode Bswitch.
bytecomp.el 204 KB