• Fabián Ezequiel Gallina's avatar
    New defun navigation machinery · 8c6f9e60
    Fabián Ezequiel Gallina authored
    `python-nav-beginning-of-defun' and
    `python-beginning-of-defun-function' have changed and now they don't
    handle decorators anymore.
    `python-end-of-defun-function' is now smart enough to detect the real
    ending of the current defun.
    `python-shell-send-defun' always sends the outermost defun and
    includes decorators. When called with prefix argument the decorators
    are skipped.
    `python-info-current-defun' has been modified to use the new defun
    movement API.
    New Functions:
      + python-info-looking-at-beginning-of-defun
python.el 113 KB