• João Távora's avatar
    Extend electric-layout-mode to handle more complex layouts (bug#33794) · 949295ae
    João Távora authored
    Entries in electric-layout-rules can specify multiple
    newline-related actions which are executed in order of appearance.
    Also, have it play nice with electric-pair-mode when inserting a
    newlines, particularly with electric-pair-open-newline-between-pairs.
    Entries in electric-layout-rules can also be functions.  Among other
    things, the logic behind electric-pair-open-newline-between-pairs
    could now be moved to electric-layout-mode, but this commit doesn't do
    that yet.
    This change was motivated by bug#33794 and is an alternative solution
    to the problem reported in that bug.
    * lisp/electric.el (electric-layout-rules): Adjust docstring.
    (electric-layout-post-self-insert-function): Call
    (electric-layout-post-self-insert-function-1): Rename from
    electric-layout-post-self-insert-function.  Redesign.
    (electric-layout-local-mode): New minor mode.
    * test/lisp/electric-tests.el (electric-layout-int-main-kernel-style)
    (electric-layout-mode-newline-between-parens-without-e-p-m-2): New
    (plainer-c-mode): New helper.
electric-tests.el 32.2 KB