• Kim F. Storm's avatar
    (kmacro-keymap): Group related bindings in · a1839f06
    Kim F. Storm authored
    initialization for clarity.  Bind C-s to start macro.
    Remove C-r binding.
    (kmacro-initial-counter-value): New defvar to hold initial counter
    value in case we set the value before defining a macro.
    (kmacro-insert-counter): Clear kmacro-initial-counter-value..
    (kmacro-set-counter): Set kmacro-initial-counter-value if we are
    not defining or executing macro.  Doc fix.
    (kmacro-add-counter): Clear kmacro-initial-counter-value.
    (kmacro-view-last-item, kmacro-view-item-no): New defvars used to
    temporarily view older elements on the macro ring without cycling
    the ring.
    (kmacro-display): Doc fix.
    (kmacro-exec-ring-item): New helper function.
    (kmacro-call-ring-2nd): Use it.
    (kmacro-call-ring-2nd-repeat): Doc fix.
    (kmacro-start-macro): Use (and clear) kmacro-initial-counter-value.
    (kmacro-end-or-call-macro): Execute last viewed macro (using
    kmacro-exec-ring-item) from ring if this follows
    kmacro-view-macro.  This allows us to find a macro on the ring
    with C-x C-k C-v C-v ... and execute it (with C-k) without cycling
    the ring to bring it to the head of the ring.
    (kmacro-bind-to-key): Doc fix (describe reserved bindings).
    Allow binding to reserved keys without specifying C-x C-k prefix.
    Ask for confirmation if entered key sequence is already bound to
    a non-macro command.
    (kmacro-view-macro): Repeating command will show older elements
    on the macro ring; C-k will execute the last viewed macro.
    (kmacro-view-macro-repeat): Doc fix.  Change its kmacro-repeat
    property from 'ring to 'head.
kmacro.el 43 KB