• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (x_catch_errors, x_check_errors, x_had_errors_p) · 7a13e894
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    (x_uncatch_errors): Make the argument a display, not a frame.
    (XTread_socket_fake_io_error): New variable.
    (XTread_socket): Obey XTread_socket_fake_io_error.
    (x_initialize): Init x_noop_count, x_focus_frame
    and x_highlight_frame here.
    (x_term_init): Not here.
    (x_term_init): Open the connection first thing;
    if that fails, don't allocate dpyinfo.
    (x_delete_display): New function.
    (x_connection_closed): New args dpyinfo and error_message.
    Delete all frames on the dead display
    and all frames using them for minibuffers.
    Call x_delete_display.
    Maybe signal a Lisp error.
    (x_term_init): Don't report error here--just return 0.
    (x_scroll_bar_report_motion): Store proper value in
    *bar_window (the Emacs window, not the X window number).
    (x_scroll_bar_report_motion): Don't clear *fp.
    (x_wm_set_icon_pixmap): Use x_bitmap_pixmap.
    (show_mouse_face): New arg dpyinfo.  All callers changed.
    (clear_mouse_face): New arg dpyinfo.  All callers changed.
    (scratch_cursor_gc): Variable deleted.
    (dumpglyphs): Use scratch_cursor_gc in x_display_info.
    (syms_of_xterm): Don't staticpro mouse_face_window.
    (expose_all_windows, expose_all_icons): Variables deleted.
    (BLOCK_INPUT_mask): Variable deleted.
    (x_term_init): Set up x_id_name field.
    (x_id_name): Variable deleted.
    (x_font_table, x_font_table_size, x_n_fonts): Vars deleted.
    (x_new_font): Use new fields.
    (warp_mouse_on_deiconify): Unused variable deleted.
    (x_term_init): Set up dpyinfo->xrdb.
    Set up dpyinfo->vertical_scroll_bar_cursor.
    (x_scroll_bar_create): Use vertical_scroll_bar_cursor slot.
    (x_vertical_scroll_bar_cursor): Variable deleted.
    (x_term_init): Really return dpyinfo.
    (x_term_init): Call add_keyboard_wait_descriptor,
    not change_keyboard_wait_descriptor.
    (x_term_init): Pass new arg to init_sigio.
    Don't set old_fcntl_owner.
    Don't call change_input_fd.
    (XTread_socket): Loop over displays and process input from each.
    (x_display_name_list): New variable.
    (syms_of_xterm): staticpro it.
    Don't staticpro slots in the_x_screen.
    (x_term_init): Update x_display_name_list along with x_display_list.
    Actually malloc the x_display_info.
    (the_x_screen): Variable deleted.
xterm.c 162 KB