• Richard M. Stallman's avatar
    (ffap-alist): Delete `math-mode'. · c9ae9869
    Richard M. Stallman authored
    Move all defvars and defuns out of this, to top level.
    Use a constant list as the initial value.
    (ffap-soft-value): Rewrite as a macro.
    And now it is used only at run time, not at load time.
    (ffap-ftp-default-user): Use just "anonymous" as default value.
    (ffap-what-domain): Don't set mail-extr-all-top-level-domains here.
    (ffap-newsgroup-regexp, ffap-newsgroup-heads): Move up past first use.
    (ffap-string-at-point-region): Likewise.
ffap.el 52.9 KB