• Jim Blandy's avatar
    * keyboard.c (read_key_sequence): Don't confuse mock input with · cca310da
    Jim Blandy authored
    	function-key-map expansion, and continue reading mock events when
    	the current sequence is unbound.
    	* keyboard.c (read_key_sequence): After providing a prefix symbol
    	for a mouse event, modify the mouse event to indicate that that
    	won't need to be done again, by putting the event's position
    	symbol in a list.
    	* keyboard.c (read_key_sequence): When returning mock input which
    	has run off the end of the current maps, make sure the events get
    	echoed, and make it into this-command-keys.
    	* keyboard.c (read_key_sequence): When re-reading a previously
    	read mouse click which requires a prefix symbol, make sure to set
    	last_real_key_start appropriately, so we can properly drop
    	button-down events.
keyboard.c 144 KB