• Jim Blandy's avatar
    * xdisp.c (redisplay): Call FRAME_SAMPLE_VISIBILITY to set the · d724d989
    Jim Blandy authored
    	visible and iconified flags appropriately for each frame.
    	(message1): Call FRAME_SAMPLE_VISIBILITY to set the visible and
    	iconified flags for the minibuffer frame.
    	* xdisp.c (redisplay): Use FOR_EACH_FRAME to apply
    	redisplay_windows to the root window of each frame.  This makes a
    	#ifdef MULTI_FRAME unneeded, but it also means we recompute
    	buffer_shared from scratch even on non-MULTI_FRAME configurations.
    	Don't skip elements of Vframe_list that aren't frames; go ahead
    	and crash here.
    	* xdisp.c (redisplay): Remove #ifdef MULTI_FRAME around the code
    	which updates separate minibuffer frames specially; there's
    	nothing there that won't work on a single-frame configuration.
xdisp.c 67.3 KB