• Dave Love's avatar
    2000-10-27 John Wiegley <johnw@gnu.org> · e0bad764
    Dave Love authored
    	* gnus-art.el (gnus-treat-hide-citation-maybe): Added this
    	variable to correspond with `gnus-article-hide-citation-maybe'.
    	(gnus-treatment-function-alist): Added entry for the above
    2000-10-27  Richard M. Alderson III <alderson@netcom2.netcom.com>
    	* gnus-art.el (gnus-read-save-file-name): expand-file-name.
    2000-10-27  Kai Gro�ohann  <Kai.Grossjohann@CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE>
    	* gnus-art.el (article-strip-banner): Use
    	gnus-group-find-parameter rather than gnus-group-get-parameter, to
    	allow inheritance on the banner.
    	From elkin@tverd.astro.spbu.ru.
    2000-10-27  ShengHuo ZHU  <zsh@cs.rochester.edu>
    	* gnus-art.el (gnus-request-article-this-buffer):
    	gnus-refer-article-method might be a single method.
    	(gnus-article-mime-total-parts): New function.
    	(gnus-mm-display-part): Use it.
    	(gnus-mime-display-single): Ditto.
    	(gnus-mime-display-alternative): Ditto.
    	(gnus-mime-inline-part): Check validity of charset.
    	(gnus-treat-display-smileys): Default value in Emacs 21.
    	* gnus-art.el: Define dynamic variables in eval-when-compile.
    	(gnus-article-prepare): Configure it again.
    	(gnus-insert-mime-button): Use gnus-overlay-buffer,
    	(gnus-article-prepare): Configure windows before
    	gnus-article-prepare-display is called.  Otherwise, BBDB's popup
    	window might be overrided.
    	(gnus-mime-inline-part): Use prefix argument only
    	when it is called interactively.
    	(gnus-mime-action-alist): New variable.
    	(gnus-mime-action-on-part): Use it.
    	(gnus-mime-button-commands): Add command ".".
    	(gnus-mime-inline-part): Support prefix argument.
    	(gnus-article-banner-alist): New variable.
    	(article-strip-banner): Use it.
gnus-art.el 164 KB