• Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong's avatar
    Show full issuer and subject distinguished names · fab6139b
    Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong authored
    CAs like Let's Encrypt do not put O and OU into the Subject's DN.
    Similarly, O and OU are often used to indicate Domain Validated or
    Organization Validation as opposed to the actual OU.
    Issuer CN often contains the issuer's server or as an indication of
    Extended Validation certificate as opposed to the actual issuer
    The Hostname part as extracted from the Subject is also confusing, as
    in the case of a hostname mismatch, the Subject's CN, which
    `nsm-format-certificate' naively calls the Hostname, will not actually
    match the hostname in the problem preamble.
    * lisp/net/nsm.el (nsm-format-certificate): Show full DN of Issuer and
      Subject.  Remove Hostname.
      (nsm-certificate-part, nsm-parse-subject): Removed.
nsm.el 41.2 KB